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A time tracking CLI app track time spent on projects and tags.

semantic-release Pipeline Status Code Coverage License Code Style

Sherlock is a simple CLI program for tracking time, its inspired by Watson. Its possible to track time against project, and tags, and view your times grouped by project and day, in daily, weekly, and monthly periods.


To install sherlock you will need node.js and npm.

npm install -g @srchetwynd/sherlock


Once installed the sherlock can be access using sherlock from the command line.

To show a list of all commands run:

sherlock --help

To list avaliable projects run:

sherlock projects

To add a new project run:

sherlock new-project

When starting to record a project it will stop any currently recording. To start recording time run:

sherlock start {project} [...tags]

To stop recording run:

sherlock stop


Tests are stored in the test directory, the file structure mirrors the project structure.


This project follows the SemVer


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

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